My children, Niki, T.J., and Anna Clark lost their 19 year old cousin Bob Clark to Cystic Fibrosis on June 18 after a life time struggle with the disease. Bobs' twin sister also died of CF not even three years ago. His family was left behind with an immense amount of medical and funeral costs. We are having a fund raiser for the family to help defray costs. R L Photography will be donating two photo packages valued at $200.00 which will include a $72.00 sitting fee plus 1 -11 X 14, 2 - 8 X 10, 4 - 5 X 7, 4 - 4 X 6, and 8 wallets. By buying a $2 raffle ticket you can enter a chance to win one these packages. So you not only have one, but two chances at winning one of these great prizes. If you are interested in obtaining a raffle ticket you can contact us by email at tammyross@rl-photography.com or call Tammy at 580-716-4572 or Niki at 580-716-4585.
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