Well in the last few months we have had a calf, started milking and sadley we are getting ready to cull our holstein because she has not gotten pregnant. It has really been an experience and I have loved every moment of it, even the times that the bull has chased me lol. We may be green horns but we are learning a lot and are enjoying figuring things out, even if it is the hard way sometimes. We now have milk, butter, and eggs! Now just waiting for a steer calf so we will have our own meat!
Milking has really been an aventure...the first time that we tried to milk I am sure that my grandpa was up in heaven laughing so hard that he couldn't breath. It took us about 3 times before she finally went in the milking stall. The only way we got her in there was to bribe her with grain, now my husband sits at the head and feeds her while I milk. Talk about a spoiled cow...the nice thing is, I get to spend time with Handy Man :) Wouldn't trade that for anything.
Growing up I did not like goats, in fact I kind of hated them. So when we moved out to the country I said I would never have a goat on our place. Well...they are really cute, and their milk makes great soap so I decided that maybe they weren't so bad after all. I mean really, you do need goats milk to make goats milk soap. So I talked to Brett and you wouldn't believe what he said...he said go buy the milk at the store! Being the man that he is he finally gave in. So about 6 weeks ago Cerinaty, Brett, Grandma and I went to pick out our babies. As you can see Cerinaty was thrilled. We get to bring them home next week so I will post more photos when we get them home.
We finally got the goats home! Everyone including grandma had to check them out.
They are some lucky little girls, this is the house that Brett built for them. Right now they just have a small area to graze in but we plan to put up an electric fence so they will soon have about one acre to run and play in.
We got our chicks in! I tell you Brett can build anything he puts his mind to. I don't think I will ever be able to brag on him enough. He is always coming up with things to make our lives easier. Last year we also got 50 chicks and we kept them in our garage in a water tank. Talk about a mess! They were bored and we had a lot of problems with them picking on eachother, plus as they got older and were not ready to be outside yet, but old enough to get out we were constantly picking up after them. With this little house they are safe and sound from predators and they have room to run and play so we haven't had a bit of trouble with them picking on eachother. They are so cute when they are little.
What farm would be complete without the barn cats? We definitely have plenty of barn cats! The old momma cat had 5 kittens and they are all so cute. The kittens are really tame but the old momma just hisses at you even when you feed her. I just love spring time because with spring comes new life and what is better then new babies!
New toy for the goats
We finally were able to get a play station made for the goats and man do they love it. It took them a little bit to try it out but once they did it was hard to get them to go to bed for the night,we lock up the goats at night to protect them from the coyotes. When I went to let them out this morning they were peeking out the door and giving me a look to hurry up. The minute I opened that door they made a beeline for the play station. I think our goats are going to be very happy in their new home!
Cerinaty and Alex are beginning to leash break their kids. It took a little coaxing with a treat but they were finally able to get them to lead a little bit.
Alice, our neighbor's/our dog, is a little camera shy. She was abandoned by someone at our neighbors and since they are not out there at all times she discovered our place and for the past year almost has traveled between the two homes. She is the best dog that I have seen and is very protective of all things on the farm even the cats. She is also really good at rounding things up including our other dogs when they want to go running off.
The kittens are growing so fast. We are going to try and catch the momma cat so we can get her spayed. I think we have plenty of cats for the barn now.
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